Posted by : Unknown Thursday, June 28, 2012

1 N. Vetlitskaya - Playboy
2 Combination - Serge
3 Tender May - Pink Evening
4 Mr. Credo - Mom Asia Dream
5 - Pilot
6 S. Belikov - Live spring
7 Rondo - I will remember the
8 Freestyle - White Acacia
9 The Little Prince - We'll meet again,
10 - Parrot
11 Brothers Radchenko - House overlooking the garden
12 - Without You
13 Shao! Bao! - Pryanikov and MC - I want to
14 - Farewell
15 Mirage - Snowflake
16 Dobrynin - not rash me the salt to the wound
17 Earthlings - I'm sorry, Earth
18 I. Allegrova - Photo
19 - One hundred days before the order of
2 CIM - Candles
21 Accident - Sandpit Generals
22 M. Boyarsky - Green Taxi
23 Freestyle - Goodbye forever
24 - Tape
25 Tender May - Gray Night
26 E. Osin - Crying Girl
27 - Snowstorm
28 Electroclub - You're married to him does not come out
29 Mirage - I do not want
3 LA Valley - Ldinka
31 A. Veski - Behind the sharp turn of
32 Chernikov - Yes, you do not laugh
33 Earthlings - The grass near the house of
34 Secret - Hi
35 Dobrynin - Oh, what a woman is
36 S. Minaev - Voyage, Voyage
37 Your day - Love May
38 Hands up - Student
39 S. Vasyuta - On a white veil in January
40 W. Legkostupova - Berry-Raspberry
41 Ladybird - Ship
42 M. Khlebnikov - Cup kofiyu
43 size - Yuayu
44 Hi-Fi - Follow me
45 D. Malikov, You're the one, you're so
46 E. Belousov - my blue-eyed girl
47 Nancy - smoke menthol cigarettes
48 F. Zhukov My girl
49 Mirage - Music bound us
50 Technology - Click on the button
51 Freestyle - Yellow Rose
52 Lada Dance - Life should be fun in the
53 S. Razin - Light Technology
54 - Nedopety motive
55 K. stamps - Position No.2
56 Saruhanov - Green eyes
57 Mega - Fly
58 R. Gorobets - Violet
59 - Do not cry, Alice
60 Chernikov - You do not come
61 East - Mirage
62 A. Bujnov - Falling Leaves
63 Commissioner - Everything will change now
64 Stalker Star
65 Glyzin A. You're not an angel,
66 N. Vetlitskaya - Look in the eyes of
67 Rock Studio - Closing the circle
68 I. Saltykov - Sunny one
69 Academy - I'm offended
70 - I have one of those
71 Tender May - Childhood
72 - Rain
73 Sunday - On the road of disappointments
74 M. Murom - Apples in the Snow
75 V. Bykov - My Favorite
76 - A good omen
77 Little Prince - You either do not have
78 V. Saltykov - Island
79 Dobrynin - Blue Fog
80 Vaikule L. and V. Leontiev - Vernissage
81 P. Smeyan - Bad weather
82 - Net ponds
83 High School - Fall
84 Freestyle - Oh, what a woman
85 Combination - Cherry nine of
86 S. Rotaru - Zasentyabrilo
87 - half an hour
88 S. Rotaru - Luna-moon,
89 Freestyle - On the black and red roses
90 N. Gulkina - China
91 - Unloved
92 Mr. Credo - Highway
93 A. Apina - Train
94 M. Zhuravleva - White cherry
95 S. Rotaru - Hutoryanka
96 Combination - Two piece of sausage
97 S. Razin - You'll be my
98 Natalie - Wind blowing from the sea
99 A-Studio - Julia
100 S. Rotaru - Lavanda
101 A. Ivanov - Theme song of the last
102 Saruhanov - My dear old
103 T. Ovsienko - School Time
104 A. Apina - Leh
105 S. Krylov - Girl
106 Electroclub - Horses in the apples
107 Apina - Nodules
108 White Eagle - Because you can not
109 D. Malikov - Until tomorrow,
110 I. Allegrova - Second Lieutenant
111 Freestyle - It hurts me to hurt
112 Mr. Credo - Balloon
113 - not yet evening
114 - The train to Leningrad,
115 Little Prince - I do not know why I you
116 Serov - Madonna
117 Tender May - Silly snowflakes
118 Forum - White Night
119 I. Nikolaev - Mill
120 S. Minaev - Margarita
121 LA Valley - Weather in the house of
122 K. The Kelme - Night Rendezvous
123 - 17
124 N. Queen - Yellow Tulips
125 N. Gulkina - Disco
126 Forgotten Talking - Arabian Gold
127 A. Aivazov - Lilies
128 I. Allegrova - Toy
129 - Accountant
130 Rock Island - Do not Say

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